Sunday, April 4, 2010

Connie & Monique's Power Trip

Wearing their anxiety disorders like overstuffed backpacks, Connie and Monique take a road trip from San Francisco to Sedona to find their Power. Connie’s anxiety-provoked obsessions direct their plans; Monique’s anxious need to be needed, complicates them.

Connie and Monique’s Power Trip is an 83,000 word completed book of women’s fiction.

Connie stops by the family bookstore after having a major panic attack on a blind date and is confronted by a burglar searching for rare volumes. The thief unearths a hidden room and a collection of books on Spiritualism from the early 1900’s. Who created this room? This collection? The next day, while sitting in the tiny room drinking wine and eating chocolate, Connie and Monique discover a book about Power Places written by Connie’s great-grandfather. Monique decides that he is—from the grave—instructing Connie to travel to a Sacred Place to find her Power. Monique thinks she could use a little of that and invites herself along. Their trip is waylaid by a homeless mother who’s lost her child; electrified by a handsome metal sculptor with unexpected but possibly dangerous charm and enlivened by Connie’s eccentric mother who exposes them to ion charged air, chakra balancing, Vortexes and spirit guides. Connie finds her power in exposing and then forgiving her past and Monique in owning and then redesigning her future.

This is my third novel. I have had short stories published in New Times, Beginnings, by Night Writer’s and anthologized in the book The World’s Shortest Stories of Love and Death published by Running Press. I have struggled with my own brand of anxiety disorder for years and so did most of my research by living inside my own jumpy skin. Lucky me. Easy research. The road trip to Sedona was much more fun.